CAOSA – South Africa

CAOSA is the national coordinating body of the Community Advice Office Sector in South Africa. Our complement of Community based advice offices members throughout South Africa, provide primary legal and socio-economic services to vulnerable and indigent communities.

The Community Advice Office sector in South Africa boasts a rich history, dating back to the 1950s. In the pre-democracy dispensation these advice offices were the first port of call for marginalised South Africans, especially those detained and harassed. They continue, to this day, to be spaces wherein a majority of the population, on account of inequality and poverty, are afforded the dignity of enforcing their basic human rights.

As the coordinating body our core work is around strengthening the capacity of Community Advice Offices, mobilising resources for the sector, enabling regulatory measures for the sector to be developed and enhancing the voice and advocacy of the CAO sector.