Prison Fellowship – Liberia is a national nonprofit non- governmental organization duly registered and accredited according to the Liberian law since 1989. The organization principally exists for the purpose of promoting social justice rule of law and human rights. It works largely in the justice sector monitoring courts, police, communities, health sectors and prisons process to ensure due process and speedy access to justice, it works in communities serving vulnerable and marginalized people for social equity, access to justice and prevents human rights abuses of all forms as well as provides opportunities to improve life of persons hooked to crime and drug and substance illicitly. It works to also ensure positive reintegration into societies of ex-offenders through mediation and livelihood skill training; fight corruption in prisons etc.

Our vision is to work towards a Liberia, in which human rights are respected, protected and fulfilled – finding practical solutions to issues of concern, advocating for systemic change and raising awareness across the community.

PF Liberia is also actively engaged in policy advocacy for human rights and reforms in the justice sector. The organization’s strategies include building strong partnerships with donor organizations, civil societies and communities.

PF Liberia is a strong member of the Civil Society Human Right Platform, a consortium of CSOs working together to ensure rule of law and fight impunity.